Based in the North West of England , Agscope was set established in by James Bretherton. After the previous 13 years spent in the UK Animal feed business and spending time in New Zealand
Working along side key inspiration people both from my established client base (thinking outside the box) and linking these ideas to industry experts
The whole Concept for Agscope is to link Soil to Plant to Animal – then ultimately us. they are all linked and there fore a overall approach should be the way forward.
David Atherton and Jo Scammel showed the way in terms of linking soil to livestock and that thinking of soil as a living thing is vital
- Soil often needs a vet not a Chemistry set
Also through my background I am still actively involved in Animal Nutrition to the ruminant sector , working along side New Breed UK independent Nutritionists
Paddock Grazing
I am a big fan of Paddock grazing as way to maximize productions from forage – and a path way to more margins – This was a important lesson I learnt from my time in New Zealand
No Tillage – Also a key learning from NZ
Looking after soil often involves how we manage the soil biology and No Tillage /Zero Tillage is a way to improve soil health and reduce environmental losses of Top soil and Organic Matter
Working with John Baker of Cross Slot NZ was a real privilege , one of the finest minds in Zero Tillage
No Tillage in Lancashire – Drilling grass seed in 2019